Theory of Change

Theory of ChangePosts

System Overview

HΩ is a collaboration platform that accelerates AI safety research by facilitating high-impact projects and connecting experts, researchers, and professionals.

Key components:

Core Flows



Theory of Change

HΩ accelerates AI safety research by:

  1. Increasing the number of active AI safety projects on the platform

    • Measured by the number of projects that meet predefined criteria for activity and progress
    • Achieved through targeted outreach, community engagement, and support for project teams
  2. Facilitating successful grant applications and partnerships for AI safety projects

    • Measured by the number of projects that secure external funding or resources through HΩ's support
    • Achieved by providing proposal guidance, connecting projects with potential partners and funders, and showcasing project impact
  3. Engaging new members with relevant expertise in AI safety

    • Measured by the number of new members who meet predefined criteria for expertise and engagement
    • Achieved through targeted outreach, partnerships, and the value proposition for members
  4. Producing high-quality research outputs and practical tools

    • Measured by the number of outputs that meet predefined criteria for quality, relevance, and impact
    • Achieved by supporting and showcasing projects that aim for progress in AI safety R&D

HΩ aims to contribute to the overall progress and advancement of AI safety research, ultimately supporting the development of safe and beneficial AI systems.

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